Senior Design Second Semester


By the end of the second semester of senior design, you should have a working product (this could be a device, system, process, software, etc. that results from this design experience). Therefore, the focus of this semester is to implement, test and evaluate the design approach chosen in your first semester. The following are the requirements and expected deliverables for this semester:
  1. Working final product
  2. Testing and evaluation of product design
  3. Demo of the final product
  4. Completed Project Description  (one per project group) that describes the work competed on the project and summarizes how the outcomes have been met
  5. Completed Final Reflection (individual document)
  6. Completed Outcomes Matrix (individual document) documenting evidence of how outcomes were met.

All of these deliverables must be approved by your TA and Advisor.

Outline for Deadlines:

  • Week 2
    • Attend mandatory senior design meeting
  • Week 6 - graded for mid-semester
    • First draft of the Project Description (one per project group) should be on Microsoft Teams and Brightspace. Also, a current Outcomes Matrix should be placed on Microsoft Teams and Brightspace.
    • Advisor and TA should provide feedback on the first draft
  • Week 11 - optional for additional feedback
    • Second draft of the Project Description (one per project group) should be on Microsoft Teams and Brightspace. Also, a current Outcomes Matrix should be placed on Microsoft Teams and Brightspace.
    • First draft of your Final Reflection (individual document) should be on Microsoft Teams and Brightspace
    • Advisor and TA should provide feedback on the second draft
  • Week 15 - final submission (graded)
    • Final copy of the Project Description should be on Microsoft Teams and Brightspace (one per project group). 
    • Final copy of the Outcomes Matrix should be placed on Microsoft Teams and Brightspace
    • Final copy of the Final Reflection should be placed on Microsoft Teams and Brightspace
    • Informal final Demo of the project should be presented to Advisor and TA
    • Advisor, TA, and senior design coordinator need to approve the Project Description, Final Reflection and Outcomes Matrix

At the end of the second semester of senior design, students enrolled in EPCS 411/412 will be expected to demonstrate all outcomes at least at an "adequate/acceptable" level as indicated in the Senior Design Outcomes Rubric to receive a passing grade for the course.

MDE students: approved MDE capstone design courses must be successfully completed and passed with a C- or better to meet graduation requirements. Failure to meet this threshold will require a retaking of the course.