Multidisciplinary Engineering and Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies Students and Alumni

This blog was created to continue our mission of creating community. To bring together students and the engineering community so they can learn about who we are. This blog is also for prospective students to understand that if they feel they don’t quite fit into some other engineering discipline, they may find a home here. Our doors are open, and we hope to see you in the NEST soon!

We are home to two very different kinds of engineering:
Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies (IDES)
Multidisciplinary Engineering (MDE)

Here in the MDE/IDES degree program, there is no ‘standard’ engineering student. We give rise to new and developing fields, ones that expand the breadth and knowledge of engineering to beyond the discipline itself. From Acoustical to Humanitarian to Global Defense, our school houses the engineers of the future. As students and alumni who view their engineering education and career differently, our strength and community is formed between the many diverse pathways that our students choose and develop. Students take classes across disciplines and go on to contribute to valuable areas of the workforce, attend top tier graduate programs, and even progress into professional schools. In MDE/IDES, students are encouraged to make a difference in the world and to apply engineering everywhere they go.

We are innovators, creators, self-starters. We are determined and adaptable. We are the future of engineering, today!

September 16, 2020

Senior Highlight: Ashley Foltz, Humanitarian Engineer in the Multidisciplinary Engineering Degree Program

Ashley Foltz, a senior in our Multidisciplinary Engineering Degree Program, was becoming a humanitarian engineer before she even knew it was an option to pursue. Her world travels, including a fateful semester abroad to Singapore, helped her discover her pathway. Lucky for us, Ashley's journey led her to our Humanitarian Engineering concentration. "Humanitarian Engineering was the perfect way to combine my engineering skills with my interests for anthropology and all things humanitarian."
September 16, 2019

My Path from Environmental Engineer to Entrepreneur

There's not a direct commercial flight between Honolulu and West Lafayette - not today, nor fifty years ago when I became a Boilermaker. If there's a metaphor that represents my path to, through and beyond Purdue, that's it. I haven't stuck to the direct flights. There have been layovers and backroads to get to where I needed to go. Where I started is very different than where I've landed. Much of it began with my choice to study at Purdue - and enter its Interdisciplinary Engineering (IDE) program.
April 3, 2019

Student Rebecca Dever, Humanitarian Engineering

Rebecca Dever, a current Multidisciplinary Engineering (MDE) student, is pursuing a concentration in Humanitarian Engineering. MDE Student Ambassador Caroline Kester conducted a Q&A interview with Rebecca to learn more about her interests and chosen path.
October 22, 2018

Student Christopher Nilsen, General Engineering

Christopher Nilsen, a senior in Multidisciplinary Engineering with a concentration in General Engineering, is known for his love of rockets and space! Spencer Tickman, a fellow General Engineering student in MDE, asked Chris a few questions to share with us his story.
September 3, 2018

Summer Internship: Audrey Moeller, Visual Design Engineering

During the summer of 2018, MDE student Audrey Moeller worked as a Distribution Project Management co-op at Duke Energy in Plainfield, Indiana As part of her co-op, Audrey managed smaller distribution projects such as replacing sensors on power lines and other improvements to the grid as well as analyzing and investigating financial reports.
August 9, 2018

Zane Wright, May 2018 Graduate, Acoustical Engineering

Zane Wright, a recent graduate of Multidisciplinary Engineering with a concentration in Acoustical Engineering, gave us an update on his first job out of Purdue University. We are excited to share his job, the very candid process (very much Zane's personality!), and his advice to incoming and inquisitive engineers.
January 10, 2018

Keri Kukral, 2000 Graduate

The 4th annual Raw Science Film Festival, which honors films on science and technology worldwide, will be playing in various Santa Barbara venues, Jan. 5-7. Keri Kukral, CEO/founder of Raw Science TV, has announced the lineup of events. Categories include fiction and non-fiction for students and professionals.
September 25, 2017

2017 Homecoming

MDE and IDES students helped work at the 2017 Homecoming Event hosted by the College of Engineering. The School of Engineering Education tent welcomed back alumni and greeted families interested in learning more about our plans of study. It was a great networking opportunity and a way to share stories about their experiences in the program.
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