Degree Requirements and Program Policies

Students must complete the requirements of the First-Year Engineering Program before being admitted into either the Interdiscipinary Engineering Studies (IDES) or Multidisciplinary Engineering (MDE) programs. Students in IDES or MDE are allowed to take courses outside the College of Engineering.

Upon entry into this professional school, students will determine which academic pathway best suits their educational and career objectives. Visit the University Course Catalog for more information on each program and degree/graduation requirements. 

Students completing all degree requirements will graduate with either a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies degree (BS), or a Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Engineering (BSE) degree, depending on their chosen pathway.  With strong academic performance, students from either program can find exciting opportunities in graduate school, or may choose to pursue a career in industry or other sectors of the global economy. Only the Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Engineering degree program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Click to view

If no differentiation in degree program is highlighted between the Multidisciplinary Engineering (MDE) and Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies (IDES) programs, the policy applies to both programs. If questions remain, schedule an appointment with the program's student advising to develop a plan forward.

Change of Degree Objective (CODO) Policy
Cooperative Education (Co-Op)
Dual & Second UG Degrees Policy
Honors College Pathways in IDES/MDE
Miscellaneous Program Policies & Exceptions (i.e. grading, credit acceptance, Band, ROTC, EPICS, etc.)
New Beginner Admission Requirements Policy (from FYE)
• Probation Policy & Status Impact (meet with program advisor)
Self-Design Plans of Study – Process Flow Diagram (meet with program advisor)
Transfer Info (general)
Transfer Admission Policy
Transfer Reflection Questions

Updated: March 15, 2025