Information about transfer credit and transfer students
Transfer Credit
Credit earned at other universities may meet FYE and degree requirements. Purdue requires a grade of C- or higher for a transfer course to be awarded Purdue credit, but the exact grade will not be included in your Purdue GPA or your EAI. Note that courses taken on Purdue Regional campuses (Purdue-North Central, Purdue-Calumet, PFW, and sometimes IUPUI -- see here for details) are not considered transfer courses; grades from these courses do count on your Purdue GPA and EAI.
Information for potential transfer students
Students who are currently enrolled at another university are encouraged to visit the Office of Admissions website for information on transfer requirements. The Purdue Transfer Credit Database may also be useful to determine if courses from the other university have already been evaluated for equivalence to Purdue courses.
Information for Purdue students considering taking a summer or online course at a different university
Many FYE students take summer courses at a different university (often a university closer to home). These courses may be transferred in to Purdue and may, in some circumstances, meet FYE requirements. Students are encouraged to confirm in the Purdue Transfer Credit Database that their intended summer course at another university has been determined to be equivalent to the needed Purdue course before taking the summer course. A grade of C- or better is required for the credit to transfer. The credit will transfer but not the grade. It is the student's responsibility to have the other institution send an official transcript to Purdue University Office of Admissions, 2550 Northwestern Ave., Suite 1900, West Lafayette, IN 47906. Posting of credit may take six to eight weeks. Students are encouraged to work with an FYE Advisor to ensure that the process is clear and smooth.