A Note from SEEE

The Society of Environmental and Ecological Engineers (SEEE) was established in 2010 as a Purdue organization for EEE students. SEEE provides a link between EEE students to the EEE faculty, administration, and alumni with the goal of supporting EEE objectives and students.

SEEE provides resources to EEE majors and minors, such as hosting guest speakers, increasing alumni interactions, promoting student interaction, and supporting worthy environmental service projects. SEEE sponsors meetings where attendees can assemble and hear from professionals, learn of job opportunities, collaborate on projects, and interact with other related student groups. SEEE serves as an excellent vehicle for students to learn more about the Environmental and Ecological Engineering program and forge productive interactions with other young professionals.

SEEE has promoted several interesting activities this year. SEEE participated in Engineer's Week and co-sponsored the E-Week Freezing 5k with the Purdue Energy Forum and Omega Chi Epsilon. The Organization worked with the Student Sustainability Council (SSC) on the Friday Night Lights campaign, which focused on turning off lights in campus buildings when rooms were not in use. SEEE also collaborated with SSC on Earth Week planning. Additionally, the organization worked with Students Growing Sustainable Communities (SGSC) to help install water sensors and conservation technologies at an elementary school in Flora, Indiana. SEEE initiated a TerraCycle brigade to recycle used office products, with the proceeds donated to charity and also organized a trip to Turkey Run State Park as well as a tree planting day.

SEEE is also in the process of becoming an official student chapter of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES). SEEE is always looking for outstanding outside speakers to speak at meetings; please let Dr. Sutherland know if you are interested. In all, we enjoyed a successful year, and look forward to future progress this upcoming fall.

Congratulations to our new officers for the 2014-2015 school year!
Luke Millen (President), Sarah Gillespie (Vice President), Curt Farner (Treasurer), Daniel Budreau (Secretary), Brooke Poppe (Public Relations)

Shelly Koehn
SEEE President 2013-14