
March 17, 2021

A Statement from the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering

In the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering, we endeavor to foster diversity and inclusion, while strongly condemning racism and bigotry in all forms. Events around our nation have reminded us yet again of the work that remains for all of us in creating a country where racism and bigotry are eliminated and where justice is applied equally to all. We therefore reaffirm our continued commitment to create an environment in Chemical Engineering in which everyone is treated with civility and respect. Boilermakers must persist, now more than ever, to build a better world together.
March 16, 2021

Dr. Brett Savoie receives National Science Foundation CAREER funding for battery research

Dr. Brett Savoie, the Charles Davidson Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University, is Principal Investigator of a research group that will receive funding from the National Science Foundation to study prediction of electrolyte decomposition in batteries. The study, Chemical Network Based Understanding and Prediction of Electrolyte Decomposition in Batteries, will receive more than $400,000 over the next two years. The award is part of the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER).
March 14, 2021

ViPER team to develop critical temperature batteries under ONR project

Dr. Vilas Pol, Professor in the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering, is Principal Investigator of a team of Purdue University researchers as part of the Naval Enterprise Partnership Teaming with Universities for National Excellence (NEPTUNE), under the Office of Naval Research program. Co-Principal Investigator is Dr. Thomas Adams from the Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division, a visiting researcher in Purdue Nuclear Engineering and Director of the Alternative Energy Laboratory.
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