Graduate students selected to present research at 2018 MRS Fall Meeting
Two Purdue University graduate students from the research group of Professor Rakesh Agrawal, Winthrop E. Stone Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering, have been selected to present talks at the 2018 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting.
Davidson School of Chemical Engineering graduate student Ryan Ellis and Materials Engineering graduate student Xianyi Hu will give their talks during the meeting on November 25-30 in Boston, Massachusetts. Ellis and Hu are part of Dr. Agrawal’s Solar Energy Research Group.
Ellis (left) will present his oral talk, Ligand Exchange of Copper Indium Gallium Sulfide Nanoparticles for Minimization of Carbonaceous Impurities in High Efficiency Solution Processed Photovoltaics, during the Emerging Materials and Device Concepts for Flexible, Low-Cost Photovoltaic Technologies symposium session.
Hu (right) will present her oral talk, Investigation into the Selenization of Solution Processed Silver Zin Tin Selenide (Ag2ZnSnSe4) Thin-Film Solar Cells, also during the symposium session for Emerging Materials and Device Concepts for Flexible, Low-Cost Photovoltaic Technologies.
The Materials Research Society (MRS) was established in 1973 by a visionary group of scientists who shared the belief that their professional interests were broader in scope than existing single-discipline societies and that a new interdisciplinary organization was needed. Today MRS is a growing, vibrant member-driven organization of almost 14,000 materials researchers from academia, industry and government, and is a recognized leader in the advancement of interdisciplinary materials research.