
February 19, 2016

Professor Pol's Battery Research Looks at Pollens

Pollens, the bane of allergy sufferers, could represent a boon for battery makers. Recent research from Associate Professor Vilas Pol’s laboratory has suggested their potential use as anodes in lithium-ion batteries.
February 9, 2016

Professor Gounder Receives NSF CAREER Award

Assistant Professor Raj Gounder received the prestigious NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation for his project titled "Synthesis Methods to Control Framework Aluminum Distribution in Zeolites for NOx Pollution Abatement Catalysis."
January 1, 2016

Professor Agrawal Proposes New "Hydricity" Concept for Continuous and Efficient Power Generation

Professor Rakesh Agrawal and Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Emre Gençer detailed their new "hydricity" concept in a paper that appeared in an online early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Hydricity aims to create a sustainable economy by generating electricity with solar energy and producing and storing hydrogen from superheated water for round the clock power production.
December 14, 2015

Two Chemical Engineering Staff Members Honored by CoE

Karissa Raderstorf, Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Sandra Hendryx, Secretary in the Undergraduate Office, were honored with customer service awards from the College of Engineering.
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