Viktor Cybulskis Wins Purdue Presidential Safety Award

Graduate Student Viktor Cybulskis was honored with a university-level Presidential Safety Award for his work in a chemical engineering laboratory.

March 25, 2015

Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Viktor J. Cybulskis was recently honored by Purdue for his efforts to improve safety in the laboratory. Cybulskis, who is advised by Professor Fabio H. Ribeiro, received the award at the university’s annual safety chair meeting in March.

Professor Ribeiro nominated Cybulskis for the award, stating “He was the safety officer for our group in 2013 – 2014 and started a new culture of professionalism among our students.” In particular, Cybulskis led the safety review/overhaul for use of hydrofluoric acid in our laboratory and provided continuous monitoring and support during the transition to the current safety officers. He still sends messages to everyone about safety issues that he encounters in the laboratory. Additionally he designed a management-of-change (MOC) and hazard evaluation process.

In addition to his completing his research, Cybulskis participates in the School of Chemical Engineering Safety Committee and is active with the ChE Graduate Student Organization.

The Presidential Safety Award is awarded to individuals or groups that have made significant accomplishment in improving safety at Purdue University. The award is presented at the annual safety chair meeting in March of each year.

This is the third time in the history of Purdue that the  Presidential Safety Award is given. Last year, a team of ChE faculty, staff and students also won the award.