Two CHE Alumni Honored by ACS

Dr. Aditya Bhan
Dr. Kristi S. Anseth
Dr. Kristi S. Anseth (BSChE ’92) and Dr. Aditya Bhan (PhD ’05) will receive national awards from the American Chemical Society in 2016.

August 20, 2015

The American Chemical Society (ACS) has selected Purdue Chemical Engineering Alumni as the recipients of two prestigious national awards.

Dr. Aditya Bhan (PhD ’05), will receive the 2016 ACS Ipatieff Prize and Dr. Kristi S. Anseth (BSChE ’92) will receive a 2016 Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award.

Dr. Bhan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota. He will be recognized at the ACS Spring National Meeting in San Diego, Calif., in March 2016.

The Ipatieff Prize is awarded every three years and recognizes outstanding chemical experimental work in the field of catalysis or high pressure. Recipients must be under 40 years of age. The prize consists of the income from the Ipatieff Trust Fund and a certificate. The financial value of the prize is approximately $5,000.

Dr. Anseth is the Tisone Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Associate Professor of Surgery, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator at the University of Colorado-Boulder Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering.

The Cope Awards recognize excellence in organic chemistry; each award consists of a certificate, $5,000 and a $40,000 unrestricted grant to be assigned by the recipient to any university or nonprofit institution. Dr. Anseth will be recognized at the ACS Fall National Meeting in San Diego, Calif., in August 2016, where she will deliver an awards address.