Emre Gençer Receives “Best Presentation” Award at the AIChE Meeting

Graduate Student Emre Gençer received the "Best Presentation" award at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting.

March 2, 2015

Graduate Student Emre Gençer’s presentation about the paper “Dimethyl Ether Chemical Storage Cycle for Uninterrupted Renewable Power,” was selected as the best presentation during Sustainability Metrics at the Process and Product Level session of the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Gençer’s talk covered the novel features of Carbon storage cycles (CSC) and detailed the simulation results of dimethyl ether chemical storage cycle, which was identified as an attractive carbon fuel candidate by the exergy based metrics presented. The co-authors of the presentation were Dr. Easa Al-Musleh, Dr. Dharik S. Mallapragada and Professor Rakesh Agrawal from the School of Chemical Engineering.

Gençer is advised by Professors Fabio Ribeiro, Nicholas Delgass and Rakesh Agrawal. In his work, Emre uses process synthesis and optimization techniques to systematically analyze and develop solutions for energy challenges like solar thermal power production, large scale energy storage, production of renewable transportation fuels and chemicals.