Sandy Hendryx Receives the Mortar Board Rose Award

Sandy Hendryx, Secretary V in the Undergraduate Office, received the Mortar Board Rose Award. Sandy was nominated by undergraduate students.

Sandy Hendryx, Secretary V in the Undergraduate Office, received the Mortar Board Rose Award. Sandy was nominated by undergraduate students.

The Rose Award is given by the Mortar Board chapter to clerical and service staff workers nominated by faculty, staff, or students who experience firsthand the high work standards of the nominee. From over 70 nominations a year, the Awards Committee makes tough decisions and only a few are selected. The award is a dozen roses and a certificate. Honorees are always surprised by members of the chapter greeting them at work. This project has been ongoing since the early 1980's.

Sandy was celebrated by her colleagues with an office reception afterwards.

Congratulations Sandy!

Hendryx in the living room with her family Hendryx receiving the Mortar Board Rose Award Hendryx with her award and flowers