Moving from Petroleum to Plants to Energize Our World

Sara Yohe, a graduate student in Chemical Engineering working under the guidance of professors Agrawal, Delgass and Ribeiro, describes some of the research she is conducting at Purdue and how it can change our world. The work is funded by the Center for Direct Conversion of Biomass to Biofuels (C3Bio). The video is part of the of the Energy Frontier Research Center video competition sponsored by the Department of Energy.

Sara Yohe, a graduate student in Chemical Engineering working under the guidance of professors Agrawal, Delgass and Ribeiro, describes some of the research she is conducting at Purdue and how it can change our world. The work is funded by the Center for Direct Conversion of Biomass to Biofuels (C3Bio). The video is part of the of the Energy Frontier Research Center video competition sponsored by the Department of Energy.