Antonios Mikos (PhD '88) receives the Society for Biomaterials' Founders Award

Event Date: April 16, 2011
Antonios Mikos
Antonios Mikos
Antonios Mikos (PhD '88) is the recipient of the Society For Biomaterials' 2011 Founders Award for long-term, landmark contributions to the discipline of biomaterials.

Antonios Mikos (PhD '88), currently Louis Calder Professor of Bioengineering, as well as Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University, has been recognized with one of the highest honors in the biomaterials and tissue engineering fields. He is the recipient of the Society For Biomaterials' 2011 Founders Award for long-term, landmark contributions to the discipline of biomaterials.

The award credits his decades of research and published studies that have stemmed to produce new clinical applications in the treatment and repair of tissue from damage due to trauma or disease. Mikos was presented with the award during the Society For Biomaterials' Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL, April 13-16, 2011.