Purdue ChE Leads in BS and PhD Graduates

Purdue Chemical Engineering ranked again in 2008-09 among the top producers of BS and PhD graduates in US, according to the “Report of the ACS Committee on Professional Training, 2009,” published in C&E News on August 23, 2010.

Purdue Chemical Engineering ranked again in 2008-09 among the top producers of BS and PhD graduates in US, according to the “Report of the ACS Committee on Professional Training, 2009,” published in C&E News on August 23, 2010.


1 Michigan, U of Ann Arbor 113
2 Purdue U 106
3 Texas, U of Austin 99
4 Georgia Institute of Technology 98
5 Wayne State U 94
6 Pennsylvania State U 93
7 Puerto Rico, U of Mayaguez 91
8 California, U of Berkeley 85
9 Cornell U 84
10 North Carolina State U 79
1 Massachusetts Institute of Tech 43
2 Georgia Institute of Technology 37
3 Texas, U of Austin 29
4 Northeastern U 24
4 Purdue U 24
6 Wisconsin, U of Madison 19
7 Illinois, U of Urbana-Champaign 18
7 Minnesota, U of Twin Cities 18
9 Northwestern U 17
10 Cornell U 16
10 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 16
10 Wayne State U 16