2019-20 Scholarships Offered by the School of Chemical Engineering
The School of Chemical Engineering would like to congratulate the following scholarship recipients for the 2019-20 academic year! Each recipient will receive a letter from the Undergraduate Office detailing the amount and name of their scholarship in August.
Steven J. Armbruster
Jennifer L. Barrett
Lucas A. Baston
Punsang K. Beaumont
Elizabeth S. Bell
Caleb A. Conlisk
Christopher J. Costelle
William H. Denzer
Rohan O. Dighe
Eric S. Dreifuerst
Geoffrey R. Fegan
Nathan P. Fisher
Samuel M. Heath
Bethany M. Hicks
Jeanette N. Hill
Jordyn M. Hunter
Joshua D. Hyrman
Joseph H. Jakubowicz
Ashley D. King
Elijah R. Kipp
Emma C. Krause
Megan Louise Y. Lim
Kendra Y. Lin
Kaitlyn N. Lyon
Mikayla R. Matteson
Hannah M. McGinness
Jason A. Minnich
Tristan B. Mowrey
Kyle Y. Patejdl
Chandani N. Patel
Zachary M. Piontek
Timothy L. Porsche
Tatum A. Prati
Adam M. Rohrs
Christopher R. Schorr
Justin C. Senyk
Tiger Shi
Evan M. Shreiner
Nicole A. Szumigalski
Grace D. Taylor
Juan M. Vazquez
John N. Vergados
Seth M. Wallace
Dana X. Wang
Jacob A. Wilson