Xiaohong Tan  | Tissue Engineering Research

What type of research have you been working on?

I have been working in Dr. Sherry Harbin's lab since Freshman year in 2014. My mentor is TJ Puls, and he studies cancer mechanics and signaling. The first semester of my freshman year, I worked on permeability of collagen scaffolds by calculating the rate of fluid flowing through different thickness and viscosity of the collage. The second semester of my freshmen year, I started working with pancreatic cancer cells to define how the biophysical properties of extracellular matrix guide epithelial to mesenchymal transition phenotypes and drug sensitive in pancreatic cancer cells. Ultimately we want to develop a 3D tumor stromal model to improve pre-clinical trials. 

Why did you initially seek out a research position? How and why did you choose your current lab in particular?

When I was in high school, I spent 2 summers doing research. I enjoyed it so much because by doing research, I am able to innovate and make human lives better. Therefore, before I started my freshmen year at Purdue, I looked up some professors from the BME website whose research interested me, and I reached out to them. Working in Dr. Harbin's lab, I am able to design, innovate, and solve problems that are yet to be solved. I really enjoy the translational research that is going on in the lab.

What have been your favorite parts working in this lab?

My favorite part about working in the lab is having the ability to design the experiments and knowing that the results of the experiments will one day impact someone's life. Another part is working with all the graduate students because they have so much knowledge. Every day I learn something new. 

How has this influenced your future academic or career plans?

I want to improve the quality of life and create bioinstruments and biomaterials that people can use. I want to make an impact on human healthcare. In the future, I want to become an MD/PhD to use both research and medical experiences to improve healthcare.

What advice would you give to students who are interested in doing research with a professor?

Have passion for what you do because passion is a huge determinant and motivator in research because research is repetitive. If your passion, enjoyment and excitement have not lessened over the course of the years while you are doing research, you are in the right place and you will one day create something or determine something that can make an impact in this world.