Propulsion involves the study of the basic operation and design of aerospace propulsion devices, including both air-breathing engines and rocket powerplants. The gas dynamics of internal flows, thermodynamics, and combustion processes associated with those devices are discussed in detail. Engine components such as inlets, pumps, and/or compressors, combustion chambers, turbines, and nozzles are investigated. Various air-breathing engines such as turbojets, turbofans, ramjets, turboprops, and scramjets are treated. Rocket propulsion systems, including solid rocket motors; liquid rocket engines; hybrid rockets; and nuclear, electric, and advanced nonchemical systems are also covered.

Computational modeling and simulations of fluid flow, turbulence, and combustion in propulsion and energy systems.
More about the Computational Energy and Propulsion Lab (CEPL)
- Energy conversion systems
- Multi-scale multi-physical processes
Lead Professor: Haifeng Wang
Location: ARMS 3213
The research capability at Zucrow Labs encompasses many disciplines: unsteady aerodynamics of turbo machinery, aeroacoustics, combustion, measurement and control, computational fluid mechanics, particle flow heat transfer, and atomization processes.
- 22 individual laboratories
- Professional machine shop
Lead Professor: Li Qiao
Location: Allison Rd., West Lafayette, IN
Experimental studies of transient plasma discharges and development of plasma actuators for flow and combustion control.
Lead Professor: Sally Bane
Location: AERO 37

Our research focuses on hypergolic propellant ignition and combustion through system level testing and advanced diagnostic techniques and research and development of novel hydrogen storage and heat harvesting systems and materials for a variety of applications, including automotive, aerospace, and stationary power. A major emphasis is on novel hypergolic propellant combinations.
Lead Professor: Timothee Pourpoint
Location: Zucrow Labs (ZL4)
Aerospace Propulsion and Energy Conversion Systems Lab Website