Aerodynamics research is directed toward a better understanding of the fundamental laws governing the flow of fluids. Research topics of recent interest include: numerical methods in aerodynamics; computational fluid mechanics; separated flow around wings and bodies at high angles of attack; aerodynamics of rotors and propellers; boundary layers, wakes and jets in V/STOL applications and aerodynamic noise; experimental measurements using laser systems; laminar-turbulent transition in high-speed boundary layers.
Purdue is the world leader in researching laminar-turbulent transition in hypersonic flows: We are home to the Mach 6 quiet wind tunnel; the upcoming home of the Mach 8 quiet wind tunnel and HYPULSE shock tunnel; the lead institution on a HPCMP Frontier Project on that topic with the Department of Defense; we have major participation in hypersonic flight testing; and we're home to a critical mass of experienced researchers working in that area.
Ludwieg tube with a 9.5-inch Mach-6 quiet-flow test section. Instrumentation is specialized for study of laminar-turbulent instability and transition, and includes high-speed hot wires, fast-response pressure transducers, hot-film arrays and anemometers, a high-sensitivity laser-differential interferometer, a glow-discharge perturber, and a pulsed laser perturber.
- Ludwieg tube concept
- Laminar-turbulent transition
Lead Professor: Joseph Jewell
Location: AERO
The High-Vacuum Facility offers a wide range of vacuum, thermal and micropropulsion test capabilities including micro-Newton force measurement for microthruster testing.
- Large vacuum chamber
- MicroNewton Thrust Stand
Lead Professor: Alina Alexeenko
Location: AERO 18A

The goal of Advanced Lyophilization Technology Hub (LyoHub) is to advance the science and technology of freeze-drying/lyophilization. LyoHub’s members include companies in the pharmaceutical and food processing sectors, equipment manufacturers and university researchers, who combine their expertise and resources to accomplish the goal. Immediate objectives are: (i) to identify and disseminate Best Practices for lyophilization equipment performance, testing and validation and (ii) to conduct applied research to advance lyophilization processes and products.
- Lyostar freeze-dryer
- FreezeBoost controlled nucleation technology
Lead Professor: Alina Alexeenko
Location: BRK 2261

Development of experiments for the study of basic fluid physics and for spaceflight technology advancement of systems which rely on two-phase, that is both liquid and gas, flow systems in space.
- Allows for the study of the effects of microgravity on combustion/fluid dynamics
Lead Professor: Steven Collicott
Location: ARMS 3191/ARMS B195
The Plasma and Flow Visualization Lab conducts research in high-speed aerodynamic flows, non-equilibrium plasmas, and combustion dynamics, with an emphasis on high-fidelity optical flow diagnostics, plasma generation and measurement, and applications of plasmas to aerodynamic flow and combustion control.
Lead Professor: Sally Bane
Location: AERO 37

The Electric Propulsion and Plasma Laboratory (EPPL) conducts research is various areas of experimental plasma science and engineering - with a special emphasis on diagnostics and applications of plasmas to electric propulsion, combustion, flow control, and biomedical engineering.
Lead Professor: Alexey Shashurin
Location: ARMS B107 and MSEE 341
The Boeing Compressible Flow Laboratory houses three small high-speed flow facilities that are available for both research and education.
- 2-inch blowdown supersonic wind tunnel with nozzles for Mach 0.6, 2, 2.5, and 3.6
- 1-inch supersonic jet experiment
- 3-inch diameter shock tube
Lead Professor: Sally Bane
Location: AERO (ASL) 29A
Three small low-speed wind tunnels are available. One has an 18-inch diameter test section, and the other two have test sections of 12 by 18 inches. A water tunnel is also available, with a 15x20-inch test section. Several small calibration tunnels are also available.
- 18-inch diameter test section
- 12" X 18" test sections (X2)
- 15" X 20" water tunnel
- Several small calibration tunnels
Lead Professor: Joseph Jewell
Location: AERO (ASL)
Large subsonic wind tunnel with two test sections -- a closed 4-by-6 foot section with model mounting provisions and a long test section adapted for high-lift research. The first test section is equipped with a three-component balance system.
- Four-component force balance with twin pylon mounting
- Remotely-controlled angle-of-attack arm
- Hot film anemometers
- Two-axis traverse system
- Smoke visualization
- Time-dependent data acquisition using LabVIEW
Lead Professor: Sally Bane