Spring 2024 - ECE 301 Signals and Systems – Homework and Exercises


Suggested exercises.


Instruction about how to upload HW in Gradescope.


Please submit your HW directly through Gradescope.

All questions are work-out questions. When submitting, please write your complete answers on separate paper (e.g., letter-size print paper or legal pad, etc.).

HW1: (pdf) (solution), due date: Wed 1/17/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time.
HW1Q2.1 demo video.
HW1Q6 demo video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW1Q7 demo video.


HW2: (pdf) (solution), due date: Wed 1/24/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time.
HW2Q20 demo 


HW3: (pdf) (solution), due date: Wed 1/31/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time.
HW3Q22 demo 
video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW3Q24 demo 
HW3Q25 demo video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.


HW4: (pdf) (solution), because of the coming MT1, HW4 is a self-exercise. There is no need to turn in HW4.
HW4Q38 demo video.
HW4Q39 demo video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW4Q40 demo video.


HW5: (pdf) (solution), due date: Wed 2/21/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time.

HW6: (pdf) (solution), due date: Fri 3/1/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time.
You would still need to turn in HW6.  However, we will provide the HW6 solution before the due date so that students can study for the coming MT2.
HW6Q54 demo video.
HW6Q56 demo video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW6Q57 demo video. Long version w. background info, short version w/o background info. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW6Q58 demo video.


HW7: (pdf) (solution), due date: Wed 3/20/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time. HW7Q62 demo video.
HW7Q63 demo video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW7Q68 demo video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW7Q69 demo video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW7Q74 demo video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW7Q75 demo video.


Please start HW8 together with Project 1!

HW8: (pdf) (solution), due date: Wed 3/27/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time.
HW8Q75 demo video.
HW8Q77 demo video. Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW8Q78 demo video.
Will be demonstrated during the lectures.
HW8Q81 demo video.
HW8Q82 demo video.

Project 1: (link) due Fri 4/05/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time. 

Please select ANY two locations of your choice and record their impulse responses.

(1)  This is a team project.  A team consists of 2-3 students.  Neither 4-student team nor 1-student team is allowed. 

(2)  If you have difficulty finding a teammate, please go to Piazza and look for teammates there.

(3)  This team project will worth two HW assignments.  Basically consider it as a homework of 20 questions.


Information about Project 1 submission:

There are five items to submit for your Project 1:

(1)  The Project Report;

(2)  Two Recorded Impulse Wave files;

(3)  Two corresponding Convolution Outputs.


Each group only needs to make one submission to BrightSpace -> Course Tools -> Assignments -> Project 1.

Please ensure you follow the instructions specified below while making the submission on BrightSpace:

·        In the report, please specify each group member's name and student ID.

·        Please submit the report as a pdf/word file. Please do not type your report in the comment box in the submission link.

·        Group all the submission files together into a single “.zip” or “.rar” file and upload this “.zip” or “.rar” file to BrightSpace. Ensure to submit only one “.zip” or “.rar” file to BrightSpace and this file should enclose all the five items.

Steps to create a .zip file on macOS: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/zip-and-unzip-files-and-folders-on-mac-mchlp2528/mac#:~:text=On%20your%20Mac%2C%20in%20a,item%20with%20the%20.zip%20extension

Steps to create a .zip file on Windows: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/zip-and-unzip-files-8d28fa72-f2f9-712f-67df-f80cf89fd4e5


·        Project 1 uses the same HW-late-submission penalty.  Namely, each additional day will result in 3%-reduction of your points. For example, if you submit your .zip file in time, but the .zip file only contains 4 items instead of 5.  Three days after the deadline, the TA informs you the missing item(s), and the team submits the missing item then.  The entire project will still be considered 3-day late because of the missing item in the .zip.  As a result, please ensure that you are able to unzip your file locally and it contains all the five components before making your submission on BrightSpace.


HW9: (pdf) (solution), due date: Fri 04/05/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time. The solution of HW9 will be posted earlier because of the upcoming MT3. It is basically an honor system for HW9.

HW9Q87 demo video.


HW10: (pdf) (solution), due date: Wed 04/17/2024 11:59pm Purdue local time.



Project 2:

Project 2: TasksEach team must demonstrate the results of their Project 2 during the window of Monday 04/15/2024 to Saturday 04/20/2024. Project 2 will be worth 200 points, which is roughly equivalent to two HWs. 


You are allowed to re-demo in the week of 4/21 to 4/27 if your first demo was not successful. If the re-demo is successful, you will receive full 200 points of Project 2.  No points will be deducted.  However, you must show up for your first demo before Saturday 4/20, even if your codes do not work 100% at that time. If you do not have your first demo before Sat 4/20, then you will not be allowed to do any re-demo during the week of 4/21-4/27. As a result, please schedule your demo time as early as possible, even before you have completed Project 2.



Please reserve your slot in the Google Sheet and send a confirmation email to both TAs (Praneet Singh: singh671@purdue.edu and Joey Henry Sun: sun1228@purdue.edu) by Sunday 04/14 to schedule your demo.

  1. Each team can have 2 or 3 team members. No team of 1 or 4 students will be allowed. A new “Search for Teammates” post will be opened on Piazza to assist with the formation of teams.
  2. At least one of the team members needs to be present (via Zoom) during the demo. Preferably all team members are present during the demo.
  3. A separate instruction about the Zoom demo will be announced later.


Detailed instructions to schedule and demonstrate your project 2:

To schedule a time slot for the demonstration:

1.      Please sign up for a 20-mins time slot in the Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P_u1fRDkaMO6ZgmINl3wZIIoj8vy38ZQluHWSsAJi24/edit?usp=sharing

2.   Please mark the time slot you have selected as Blue in Sheet 1.

3.   In Sheet 2, Specify the Day, Date, and Time of your slot along with the names of all your team members.

4.   Email botht the TAs Praneet Singh (singh671@purdue.edu) and Joey Henry Sun (sun1228@purdue.edu) your scheduling information. Title the email as "Project 2 Demo". Please include all group members' names and student ID numbers, and the time slot you have selected in the email.

5.      If you would like to change a time slot, first update it on the Google Sheet (in both Sheet 1 and Sheet 2). Then follow up the email you have sent previously to specify the new time slot you select.

About the demonstration:

For Demonstrations scheduled on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday

Please ensure you are present in the correct Zoom Room at the scheduled date and time to avoid any delays.

2.      Please have your MATLAB code ready for both AM-DSB and AM-SSB. For each part, we will run the code for both modulation and demodulation. So please have the codes for both modulation/demodulation ready.

3.      You will be asked about some critical steps in the modulation/demodulation procedure. An excellent resource to review is the lecture notes and videos (Weeks 10 and 11). And we will compare your input and output signals (songs). If the code is correct, the input and output signals for a channel should sound almost identical.  


The following is the instructions how to set up a re-demo in the week of 4/21-27. If your first demo is successful already, you do not need to set up any re-demo during 4/21-27.


Please reserve your slot in the Google Sheet and send a confirmation email to both TAs (Praneet Singh: singh671@purdue.edu and Joey Henry Sun: sun1228@purdue.edu) by Sunday 04/21 to schedule your RE-DEMO.


To schedule a time slot for the RE-DEMONSTRATION:

1.      Please sign up for a 20-mins time slot in the Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P_u1fRDkaMO6ZgmINl3wZIIoj8vy38ZQluHWSsAJi24/edit?usp=sharing

2.   Please mark the time slot you have selected as Blue in RE-DEMO Sheet 1.

3.   In RE-DEMO Sheet 2, Specify your Original Details and RE-DEMO details along with the names of all your team members.

4.   Email both the TAs Praneet Singh (singh671@purdue.edu) and Joey Henry Sun (sun1228@purdue.edu) your scheduling information. Title the email as "Project 2 RE-DEMO". Please include all group members' names and student ID numbers, and the time slot you have selected in the email.

5.      If you would like to change a time slot, first update it on the Google Sheet (in both RE-DEMO Sheet 1 and RE-DEMO Sheet 2). Then follow up the email you have sent previously to specify the new time slot you select.



HW11: (pdf) (solution). This is a self-exercise. There is no need to turn in HW11.