ECE 301 Signals and Systems

Instruction about How to Upload Your Homework


Submitting ECE301 Homework through Gradescope

All ECE 301 homework submissions must be uploaded via Gradescope. Gradescope can be accessed through Brightspace by navigating to “Content” >> “Table of Contents” >> “Gradescope”. Alternatively, this same link to Gradescope has also been copied under “Content” >> “Table of Contents” >> “Homework Assignments” >> “Gradescope”. Once in Gradescope, you may need to select the ECE301 course, and will then select which assignment you are uploading. After uploading a PDF file, you will be asked to mark which pages contain your answer to each question. A brief video tutorial on this submission process can be found here.


Difference between “due date” and “end date”: In Brightspace, assignments sometimes show both a “Due” date and an “End” date. The due date of the assignment is reflected by the “Due” date in Brightspace, not the “End” date. The “End” date reflects the latest date at which submissions will still be accepted, but will be considered late if submitted after the due date. As outlined in the course syllabus, please remember that homework will be assigned on Monday and will be due on the Wednesday of the following week (9 days later).


All HW submission is through Gradescope, NOT through Brightspace.  However, we did the following in Brightspace to make things easier for you. 

·         In order to prevent accidental submissions through Brightspace, we will create the homework assignment in Brightspace as an “On Paper Submission” assignment. This should prevent submissions in Brightspace and serve as a reminder to submit via Gradescope.

·         In Brightspace, we will also allow students to manually mark the assignment as complete, so that Brightspace does not continue to warn you about unsubmitted assignments. This step of marking the assignment completed in Brightspace is not required, but is just an optional courtesy for your personal assignment management.