Subramanian Chidambaram is a Ph.D. student in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. Before joining the C Design lab, he obtained his Master’s from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics with a Minor in computational science and engineering from Purdue and a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology, India. His current research interest involves exploring Human-Computer Interactions and Code-less Digital interface development for Authoring Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) content, Collaboration with AR/VR, and instructional design for skill transfer using immersive reality and 3D User Interface. In addition, he has co-authored papers on tangible interfaces. In the past, he has also researched developing geometric modeling tools that guide novices to design, analyze and fabricate functional load-bearing structures.


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EditAR: A Digital Twin Authoring Environment for Creation of AR/VR and Video Instructions from a Single Demonstration

EditAR: A Digital Twin Authoring Environment for Creation of AR/VR and Video Instructions from a Single Demonstration

Augmented/Virtual reality and video-based media play a vital role in the digital learning revolution to train novices in spatial tasks. However, creating content for these different media requires expertise in several fields. We present EditAR, a unified authoring,...
ProcessAR: An augmented reality-based tool to create in-situ procedural 2D/3D AR Instructions

ProcessAR: An augmented reality-based tool to create in-situ procedural 2D/3D AR Instructions

Augmented reality (AR) is an efficient form of delivering spatial information and has great potential for training workers. However, AR is still not widely used for such scenarios due to the technical skills and expertise required to create interactive AR content. We...