Technai 20 TEM (ARMS B231)

Equipment Information


Operational Under Maintenance Down


  • 200kV gun
  • 1k Gatan camera
  • Single and double-tilt specimen holder

Rates and Fees*

  • Machine Rate: $39/hour
  • Staff Rate: $50/hour
  • Training Fee: $___ (MSE582)

     * Rates listed apply to Purdue University users only

Department Contacts

  • Faculty P.O.C.:   Dr. Volkan Ortalan
  • Staff P.O.C.:  Rosa Diaz, Jameson Root
  • Graduate Superuser:  n/a


Safety Information

  • Cryogenic liquid (nitrogen) is required to cool the detector; exercise caution and use all required protective clothing when filling the nitrogen dewar (gloves, apron, face shield)


Training and Lab Requirements

User Requirements

  • Valid iLab account
  • Subscription to the equipment listserv (mailing list) is required before iLab access will be granted. Note: you will receive a confirmation email that you must read and reply to in order to complete registration
  • MSE582 training course is required

Specimen and Equipment Requirements

  • TEXT

Request Training

  • Request enrollment in MSE582