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Using ZFS snapshots

Snapshots are copies of a ZFS filesystem, taken once an hour. There are 24 snapshots
taken before old ones are removed so basically a days worth of snapshots. Should you loose
or corrupt a file in your ZFS directory, you can go to a snapshot to retrieve a previous
version of the file.
To see your snapshots go to the directory /<filesystem>/.zfs/snapshot, then to one of the
subdirectories.  /home/pier/a/.zfs/snapshot for example. Each subdirectory is named by the
time of day it was taken.
The files are preserved in permission and ownership so the user can restore whatever version
of the file they want. They are only able to see and or copy whatever they could see an or copy
when the snapshot was taken of the filesystem.


Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: Aug 22, 2008 2:25 pm GMT-4 by admin