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Reverse XTerm video (Black on White/White on Black)

Purdue Engineering Computer Network

To make an xterm window with reverse video (white characters on a black background) use the -rv option to xterm. To create a new xterm window in reverse video, just type:

	% xterm -rv &

If you already have a window and you want to change it to reverse video, you can do this using the xterm "Mode Menu". To access the menu, hold down the Ctrl key and the MIDDLE mouse button simultaneously with the mouse pointer anywhere within the text portion (not titlebar or borders) of the window.

A menu will appear. Still pressing the MIDDLE mouse button, select Enable Reverse Video and release the button. The window will immediately change to reverse video.

If you always want your initial xterm windows to start up in reverse video, add this line to your X start-up script (usually .xinitrc or .xsession):

xterm -rv &

X start-up Script:

xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults
xsetroot -solid gray &
xclock -g 60x50-0+0 &
xterm -g 60x24+0+0 -rv &
xterm -g 60x24+0-0 -rv &
xconsole &

If you want additional xterm windows (which you create manually) to also be in reverse video, add the following line to your .Xdefaults file:

	xterm*reverseVideo:	on

Remember to be careful when spelling resource names. Only particular spellings of resources are correct. For example, 'reverseVideo' and 'ReverseVideo' will function correctly as xterm resources, but not other spellings.

To learn more about X Resources, view the How To Use X Resources Answer.

Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: May 31, 2007 12:06 pm GMT-4 by admin