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Zope: Photo Gallery


  1. Navigate to the management interface (/manage_main) of the folder where you wish to place the photo gallery
  2. Click the "Import/Export" button at the bottom of the page
  3. Select "PhotoGallery.zexp" from the importable files
  4. Click the "Import" button
  5. A new folder named "PhotoGallery" will appear



After the files have been imported, Images can be uploaded, and organized by folders within the PhotoGallery folder. Images can be uploaded through the Zope Management Interface or via a WebDAV client such as WebDrive or Goliath.

Title and description properties specified for an image are used when the image is displayed.


Upon importing the PhotoGallery.zexp several scripts, templates, and files are created. Those with web development knowledge can modify these objects to customize the photo gallery.

  • local.css - Stylesheet
  • folderThumb.gif - Folder Icon
  • folderUp.gif - Up to Parent Icon

Last Modified: Aug 1, 2023 4:07 pm GMT-4
Created: Nov 28, 2007 11:57 am US/Eastern by admin
