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LaTeX: Book Template

The following is a LaTeX template for a book.

\documentclass[]{book}    % list options between brackets
\usepackage{} % list packages between braces

\input {preamble} % input user-defined commands



\include{titlepg} % include title page
\include{preface} % include preface
\include{other} % include other frontmatter


\include{latex} % include first chapter
\include{amslatex} % include second chapter
\include{tools} % include third chapter, etc.

\include{history} % include first appendix
\include{tables} % include second appendix, etc.


\include{bibliography} % include bibliography
\include{index} % include index


Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: Aug 22, 2007 11:56 am GMT-4 by admin