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Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

This document describes the installation and configuration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 5 on a new host.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 5 will require that the new host to have the following characteristics:

  • The host must have disk storage of at least 28GB,
  • The host must have memory storage of at least 512MB,
  • The host must be able to boot from the network (using PXE) or CD/DVD.

Optionally, it is best if the PC uses advanced CPUs capable of 64-bit code execution (such as AMD Athlon 64 or Opteron, and Intel Pentium D or Core 2).


In several of the following sections, when referencing a site, use one of the following sites:

Site ID Description
aaesite Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering
abesite Agriculture Engineering
bmesite Biomedical Engineering
cesite Civil Engineering
chesite Chemical Engineering
dpsite Discovery Park
ecesite Electrical & Computer Engineering
ecnsite Engineering Computer Network
epicsite EPICS
iesite Industrial Engineering
mesite Mechanical Engineering
msesite Materials Engineering
nesite Nuclear Engineering
potrsite Potter Building
techsite College of Technology
vetsite School of Veterinary Medicine
wwwsite Web Services

Create DNS

Create a record in DNS for the new host. Go to the name server configuration directory at harbor:/local/a/nettable/masters and edit the localhosts-ecn.txt file. Be sure to set the OS type to Linux. An example DNS line is:

128.46.n.n		# Dell Linux

Create Igor

Create an igor record. Go to igor hosts directory at harbor:/usr/share/adm/igor/hosts and edit the site file. An example host record is:

@if HOSTNAME == "somehost"
@ define ACMAINT3
@ define NTPHOST
@ define SITE "sitename"
@ define SITEBIN "site"

Most of the time, a new host's definition will match some other hosts. Combine the new host with others when possible. Be sure to follow the convention of putting the new host into the site file in hostname-alphabetical order.

Special Igor Definitions

There are some definitions to set for a host that have special meaning. Some of the most common definitions are:

» Hosts that share files with other hosts (both Samba and NFS) will be defined as HOMESERVER. If the host will share files, replace in the example above a the definition for STANDALONE with HOMESERVER.

When the host's disk is partitioned, a STANDALONE will place all extra disk space into /var. HOMESERVER hosts will create a 4 gigabyte /var and all extra disk space will go into /export/home/a.

» If the host is to be on backup services, define either NETBACKUP_SERVER or OMNI_SERVER. Ask the backup staff which definition will be needed.

» If the host has an NVidia video card and you want to use the proprietary 3D display driver, add the igor definition NVIDIA2_DRIVER. Some older hardware will require a legacy driver, defined as NVIDIA_DRIVER. So far, the only legacy hardware that requires the NVIDIA_DRIVER is the NVidia GeoForce FX 5200 card in Dell OptiPlex 270 workstations. Refer to the document /opt/nvidia2/current/usr/share/doc/README.txt for a list of graphics cards that need the legacy driver.

» If the host has an ATI video card and you want to use the proprietary 3D display driver, add definition ATI_DRIVER.

» If the site is epicsite, use a SITEBIN of ece.

Create Exports

If the host is a HOMESERVER, all filesystems that will be shared via NFS will need to be exported (shared) to other systems.

If the partition is backed up it should be name /export/home/whatever.

If the partition is not backed up it should be named /export/scratch/whatever.

If additional filesystems need to be exported, go to the exports configuration file at harbor:/usr/share/adm/config/os/Linux/6/exports (Note: currently 6 is the master for both 5 and 6. In 5 this a symbolic-link to version 6 files, so edit the file harbor:/usr/share/adm/config/os/Linux/6/exports ) and add a set of records for the new host. An example set of records to add for the new host is:

@if HOSTNAME == "somehost"
/export/home/a @ECNSuns(rw,sync)
/export/home/b @ECNSuns(rw,sync)
/export/home/c @ECNSuns(rw,sync)

This example results in three filesystems being shared since /export/home/a is implied. Usually there is only the /export/home/a filesystem. Be sure to follow the convention of putting the new host into the exports file in hostname-alphabetical order.

Create Automounter

Also, if the host is a HOMESERVER, a record will be needed in the automounter map files to allow the host to map the host via NFS.

Go to the automounter for home filesystems configuration file at harbor:/usr/share/adm/config/os/common/auto_home for /export/home partions and and harbor:/usr/share/adm/config/os/common/auto_scratch for /export/scratch partitions. Add a record for the new host. An example record to add for the new host is:

somehost \

This example shows three filesystems being shared. Usually there is only the /home/somehost/a filesystem. Be sure to follow the convention of putting the new host into the auto_home file in hostname-alphabetical order.

Create rdist

Go to the rdist hosts directory harbor:/var/rdist/hosts and edit the site file by adding the host in the corresponding LINUX_RHEL5 variable (either LINUX_RHEL5_STANDALONE or LINUX_RHEL5_HOMESERVER). An example rdist host entry looks like this:

# Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 hosts

Create Netgroups

Add this host to the access permissions to mount NFS filesystems. Go to the network groups configuration file at harbor:/usr/share/adm/config/os/common/netgroup and edit the file. Add the name of the host and the netgroup type (usually ECNSuns), along with a comment to identify the host's owner. An example host record is:

# Linux host for Prof. Whosit
somehost ECNSuns

Save Files

Remove the system's solsave file. If there was a system by this name before, but isn't related to this new host, remove the previous file.

Go to the save files directory at harbor:~solsave and remove any previous file:

# cd ~solsave
# rm somehost.tar.gz


Stop! It will require an overnight distribution of software to get all of the databases updated and ready for deployment of the host. Once the distribution is complete, proceed to the next step.

Build Kickstart

NOTE! For security purposes, the kickstart files are removed at 6pm, 12midnight and 6am. Be sure to deploy the host immediately after building the kickstart files - else the deploy will have to be redone.

Create the kickstart files for the host. Building the kickstart file will allow for the host to automatically boot and install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.

Go to harbor:/var/local/install_rh5/clients and run the kickstart configuration command:

# cd /var/local/install_rh5/clients
# ./build-ks somehost
./build-ks: Warning: Save files '~solsave/somehost.tar.gz'
does not exists

It's expected, most of the time, to see the message about the missing save files.

There are many options available when making the kickstart script.

Usage: ./build-ks [flags...] hostname
-f|--force Force or overwrite of existing files
-V|--verbose Verbose
-i|--interactive Process kickstart in 'interactive' mode
-H|--homeserver Build a HOMESERVER system (autodetect)
-S|--standalone Build a STANDALONE system (autodetect)
-c|--client Use client installation key (default)
-s|--server Use server installation key
-t|--text Kickstart in text mode (Default is: graphical mode)
-x|--nox Boot to text console (Default is: graphical console)
--rootsize=n Sets the root filesystem size to 'n' GB (default: 16)
--swapsize=n Sets the swap size to 'n' GB (default: 8)
--varsize=n Sets the var filesystem size to 'n' GB (default 4)
-p|--preserve Preserve disk structure

Most of the default settings for build-ks will be sufficient. The default is to do a graphical install with all partitions set to a default size. It also sets the display to be graphical when the workstation boots. A home filesystem will be built if the host has an igor variable HOMESERVER, otherwise the /var filesystem will collect most of the disk space.


The steps for performing the install are the following:

  • Start the kickstart installation. Boot the host and select the CD/DVD or PXE (network) as the boot device.
  • The system will boot and install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. If you've asked for an interactive install, or asked for manual disk partitioning, the console will prompt for input. Otherwise, the installation will proceed automatically. After the install, the system will reboot.
  • When the system boots, it will run through its normal boot scripts, but will stop at the ecnfirstboot script and pause for about 30 minutes. When the script completes, it will proceed to the login screen. After about 30 seconds, it will reboot again.
  • At the login screen, log on as root using the installation root password. Check the log file for errors.

There "should" be mail that goes to the redhat5 queue that says when the system has completed the installation, and will include a copy of the log file.


When booting using the network, set or enable the host to boot PXE. Each PC BIOS uses a different method for setting up booting with PXE. Consult the PC's documentation, or poke around in the setup until you find the network settings and change appropriately.

Start the PC booting, selecting the boot device to be PXE. PXE will contact the ITaP DHCP server and request a download for the ECN Network Boot Menu.

On the ECN Network Boot Menu, carefully press the up arrow button until one of the following is selected:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 i386 WS Deployment
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 x86_64 WS Deployment
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 i386 AS Deployment
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 x86_64 AS Deployment

If the PC is capable of 64-bit code execution, select the version with x86_64. Otherwise, select i386.

If the PC has more than 2 CPU sockets (with a maximum of eight CPU cores), then the AS version will be required. Otherwise choose WS. Also, be aware that some applications are available only in the WS version, such as Thunderbird, so choose WS for desktop interactive systems.

Next, press the TAB button. A prompt for a password will appear. Enter the deployment password and press RETURN.

A very long boot command will appear on the screen. The cursor will be at the end of the line. Add the name of the system to the end of the line, followed by the kickstart file extension, .ks, then press RETURN.

If everything goes okay, the system will load Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5 and begin to install. The installation will take about 30 minutes to complete.


CD installations are possible by creating the boot CD from one of the CD disk image files (ISO) located at harbor:/var/local/install_rh5/rh5. Choose the first disk of the series. For example, use the file:


to install the 32-bit version of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 client. Be sure to check periodically to see if a newer version of the CD is available.

When booting using the CD/DVD, set or enable the host to boot from the CD/DVD drive. Place the CD into the drive and begin booting. After about a minute, the boot prompt will appear on the screen.

At the prompt, enter the following boot command:

linux ks=nfs:harbor:/var/local/install_rh5/kickstart/somehost.ks

If everything goes okay, the system will load Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5 and begin to install. The installation will take about 30 minutes to complete. Be sure to remove the CD/DVD once the installation begins.

Install Complete

Wait for the install to complete and check the log file for errors.


Create the new host in ACmaint. Populate the host with ECN staff accounts.

First, create the host. Start ah and enter the command create host. It will prompt for various information. An example of creating a host is:

ah> create host somehost
transdHost [somehost] > somehost
hostClass [] > ECNRedhatEL
hostGroup [] > ECN
mailEnable [y] > n
clientEnable [y] > y
windowsEnable [n] > n
state [u] > u
sendRestricted [n] > n
sendDirectory [y] > y
Created host ''.

Be sure to set the site to the same as entered for rdist and igor.

Next, add the ECN staff accounts.

ah> loadHost somehost
Copied login "root" from "mooring" to "somehost".
Copied login "birchman" from "mooring" to "somehost".
Copied login "brinegar" from "mooring" to "somehost".
Copied login "brooks" from "mooring" to "somehost".

Be sure to wait for changes to complete! Check the number of packets left to process using the ACmaint's ah utility with the command:

ah< show host somehost packet_count

If packets are stalling, check the log file on the newly installed system at /var/log/transd_log to see what is causing the delay. Common errors are invalid host keys or problems mounting the home filesystem for an account. All ACmaint packets must go through before proceeding.

SSH Host Keys

Import the ssh host keys for the new host. Go to the directory harbor:~solsave/bin and run the command get-ssh-keys:

# cd ~solsave/bin
# ./get-ssh-keys somehost
Running cron job to generate known_hosts file (takes a few minutes)
Updated key(s) for somehost

Once the command completes, Harbor will have the host keys. If you are going to work from other hosts today, the host key data file will need to be sent to other hosts.


If backup service is required for the host, such as when the igor definition NETBACKUP_SERVER or OMNI_SERVER is set, then inform the backup staff of the new host. Usually sendmail mail to will be enough.

Be sure to indicate if the whole system or which individual filesystems need backups. Sometime unusual circumstances will exist, such as large daily filesystem changes will occur. Be sure to add these circumstances to the message.

Last Modified: Jan 6, 2023 11:01 am US/Eastern
Created: Jul 25, 2008 11:20 am GMT-4 by admin