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ECN Web Site: Configuring Your Site to Use the ECO Wraps

The Engineering Communications Office has created standard templates for use on Purdue Engineering related web sites. To use them, you will have to host your site in Zope and follow these directions. It is expected that you should have an understanding of Zope before attempting this.

First create a standard_html_header DTML Method. The contents of the method should look like this:

<dtml-var "ECN.Ztools.wrapEngine(wrap=ECO.wrap5)">

Next create a standard_html_footer DTML Method. The contents of the method should look like this:

<dtml-var "ECN.Ztools.wrapEngine()">


All Folders and documents must have the "Access Contents Information" permission granted to the "Anonymous" role for the ECO Wraps to function correctly. This is the default setting and should not need changing.

The "Access Contents Information" permission protects information such as the Title, Ids, and Properties of objects. If you wish to protect this information from "Anonymous" users, there is currently no way to use the ECO wraps.

For more information on Zope permissions see Managing Zope Permissions.

Root Folder Properties

Property Name Property Type Description
entity_title String The title of the entity
tabs Lines Data for Tabs in the upper right corner. One per line in format 'Text' space 'URL'
section_title String Title for the section
webmaster String Webmaster Email address
hide_tabs Boolean Hides Tabs in upper right corner

Document Properties

These properties can be placed on any document, or a folder to effect all documents inside of that folder. All of these properties are optional.

Property Name Property Type Description
onload String JavaScript to call onload
event_box Boolean Turns on and off Event Box
news_box Boolean Turns on and off News Box
related_links Boolean Turns on and off Related Links Box
other_links Boolean Turns on and off Other Links Box
last_modified Boolean Turns on and off last modified date
quick_links Boolean Turns on and off quick links
quick_news Boolean Turns on and off quick news
quick_areas Boolean Turns on and off quick areas
no_sidebar Boolean Turns on and off sidebars
alt_layout Boolean Switches the location of News, Event, Related Links, and Other Links boxes from the bottom of the page to the right side of the page
mast Boolean Turn on and off the Masthead
head_content Text Code to include within the <head> tag


Objects can be created in any folder and effect the wraps for all documents within that folder. Objects can be created as any type, but DTML Method or Script (Python) work best.

Default content exists for all of these objects. They are all optional.

Object Id Description
eventBoxItems Content for the event box
newsBoxItems Content for the news box
otherLinkItems Content for other links box
relatedLinkItems Content for related links box
quickLinkItems Content for the quick links In the format
<option value="URL">Title</option>
quickNewsItems Content for the quick news In the format
<option value="URL">Title</option>
quickAreaItems Content for the quick Areas In the format
<option value="URL">Title</option>
metaTags Meta tags for site
sidebarSections HTML content for top-left sidebar menu
sidebarResources HTML content for the "Resources For" sidebar
sidebarSearch Search Form for School
academicPrograms Content for the Academic Programs menu In the format
<option value="URL">Title</option>
mastSlot1 A folder containing images for Slot1 in mast head
mastSlot2 A folder containing images for Slot2 in mast head
mastSlot3 A folder containing images for Slot3 in mast head


The theme of a site is adjusted by changing the standard_html_header to pass a "theme" argument to the ECN Wrap Engine. Example:

<dtml-var "ECN.Ztools.wrapEngine(wrap=ECO.wrap5, theme='greyMotherboard')">

This would change the site's look. Contact the Engineering Communications Office if you would like a theme created for a site.

Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: Oct 24, 2007 1:22 pm GMT-4 by admin
