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Adding a VPS Printer on a Non-Domain Computer

NOTE: An ECN domain account is required to access the VPS print servers.

Perform the following:
1) Log in to the non-domain computer as the user's local account
2) Open Windows Explorer
3) Navigate to \\, where # is the VPS server number you wish to connect to
   - See for information about the available department print servers
4) Enter ECN\username and the password
5) Check the "Remember password" box
6) Click OK

This authenticates the user to VPS# and saves their password for VPS#
locally. The saved password should persist between each reboot or shutdown.

NOTE: If your password is not being retained between sessions, you can manually
attempt to add the entry into your saved password list by following the instructions
1) Open a command prompt window and type the following command:
     rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr
2) Scan the list and remove any references to VPS from the list
3) Click the Add button
4) In the server field type
5) Fill in the username field with ECN\yourusername
6) Fill in the password field and click OK
7) Repeat steps 3-7, this time omitting the from the server field
8) Ensure that you are connected to the Purdue network (VPN, PAL, network PIC, etc.)
9) Open Windows Explorer and browse to \\
10) You should not be prompted for a username and password if you have access to that server and if your computer is operating properly.

The VPS servers authenticate against the ECN domain and if the domain password
changes, the saved password will not match the new domain password. Repeat these
steps after each domain password change, if you are using a non-domain computer.

Last Modified: Aug 1, 2017 2:31 pm America/New_York
Created: Sep 9, 2009 2:51 pm GMT-4 by admin