Purdue ECE Stories of Success

Event Date: September 21, 2021
Hosted By: ECE
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: via Zoom
Priority: No
School or Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
College Calendar: Show
Sumeet Maniar
BSEE 1992

Join us via Zoom!  https://bit.ly/maniar-sos

Sumeet Maniar received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University in 1992, and also holds an MBA from the University of Chicago. He has been able to apply his academic background to a variety of areas in business and technology. Sumeet has served at large entities like Xerox, Verizon, and Accenture, and has held positions in management and technology consulting.  Over the last 15-20 years, Sumeet has been successful in running startups and businesses that are B2C, B2B2C, and B2B and are focused on product management and business development.  These have included rich experiences in building the video game industry (especially content-to-payment systems, cloud infrastructure, game chat, pioneering free2play business concepts and freemium models, and massively multiplayer online games).   Along with these experiences, Sumeet has worked in diverse areas leveraging blockchain, fintech, mobile gaming, ad optimization, ed tech and digital health.

Sumeet currently leads WellBrain, a digital health chronic pain platform leveraging solutions to address the opiate epidemic and looking to exploit deep learning data of patient outcomes and physician recommendations.  Prior to his current role, Sumeet was part of Loom.AI which used AI based user image generation. He has also served with Gnosis, a blockchain prediction markets entity.  He has worked and lived in many parts of the United States (NY, LA, SF, Chicago, Missouri, Austin) as well as internationally (Australia, Korea, Turkey, France, India, and South Korea).  He currently now lives in San Francisco with his wife in the Twin Peaks area.

2021-09-21 19:00:00 2021-09-21 20:00:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis Purdue ECE Stories of Success Sumeet Maniar BSEE 1992 CEO WellBrain via Zoom Add to Calendar