World’s first Tech Diplomacy Academy features “Energy Transition: The Challenge of Our Century" course organized by Fabio Ribeiro

Recently, the Institute launched the world's first Tech Diplomacy Academy, a digital platform where leaders from government, business, technology, and civic sectors receive training on critical emerging technologies and strategies vital to U.S. national security and economic prosperity.

Industry worldwide acknowledges the importance of transitioning away from fossil fuels to mitigate climate change and ensure a sustainable future. Achieving net-zero carbon emissions promises significant environmental, economic and societal benefits on a global scale. 

The Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue is at the forefront of this transition, accelerating the innovation and adoption of trusted technologies by promoting that “technology must advance freedom”. Recently, the Institute launched the world's first Tech Diplomacy Academy, a digital platform where leaders from government, business, technology, and civic sectors receive training on critical emerging technologies and strategies vital to U.S. national security and economic prosperity.

As part of the Leading Energy-Transition Advances and Pathways to Sustainability (LEAPS) initiative, which aims to develop and revolutionize scalable energy technologies, education and academic-industry partnerships, Fabio Ribeiro, Director of CISTAR and Co-Chair of LEAPS, coordinated a group of experts for a one-hour course primer,  “Energy Transition: The Challenge of Our Century.”

“Energy Transition: The Challenge of Our Century,” addresses the technological and economic challenges of moving to sustainable energy systems. It examines the current state of energy consumption, the influence of policy, economics, and global cooperation on the energy transition, and the integration of renewable energy technologies into the existing energy grid.

This course offers professionals the knowledge and tools needed to navigate and contribute to the global shift towards sustainable energy. LEAPS will continue to developing courses in this area to highlight the importance of the energy transition, ensuring a brighter and more resilient future for the planet.