2019 Professional Practice Hall of Fame honors ChE alumnus Carl Margraf

Davidson School of Chemical Engineering alumnus Carl Margraf III (BSChE '01) was inducted into the Professional Practice Hall of Fame during the 10th annual Induction Ceremony Luncheon on September 13. The Professional Practice Hall of Fame strives to recognize leading alumni in their fields, as well as individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to the growth of programs offered through the Office of Professional Practice.

Davidson School of Chemical Engineering alumnus Carl Margraf III (BSChE ’01) was inducted into the Professional Practice Hall of Fame during the 10th annual Induction Ceremony Luncheon on September 13. The Professional Practice Hall of Fame strives to recognize leading alumni in their fields, as well as individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to the growth of programs offered through the Office of Professional Practice.

After graduating from Purdue University, Margraf began his career at Procter & Gamble Company, working regionally and globally in the hair care/color industry. He is currently the Section Head for Procter & Gamble Ventures, a start-up studio focusing on the development of new brands, business models, and technologies. In this position, he leads a research and development team responsible for identifying and partnering with promising startup companies.

Margraf is also the co-founder of one of the start-ups, MetaDerm, a skincare company marketed to people affected by chronic skin conditions. He is the co-inventor of four patents, and has contributed to more than $1 billion in sales through his successful launching of products into the market.

Margraf continues his involvement with Purdue as the lead Research and Development Co-Op recruiter for Procter & Gamble Co., through the Office of Professional Practice.

The Office of Professional Practice is a unique resource for students, committed to fostering a holistic experience both academically and professionally. Through the Office of Professional Practice, students have access to internship and Co-Op opportunities, gaining professional experience during their academic years at Purdue.

To learn more about the Office of Professional Practice, visit https://opp.purdue.edu/.

Writer: Heidi Cervantes, hcervant@purdue.edu