ChE Seminar: Dr. William Fissell

Event Date: April 19, 2018
Speaker: Dr. William Fissell
Speaker Affiliation: Department of Medicine,
Vanderbilt University
Time: 3:00 - 4:15 pm
Location: FRNY G140
Open To: Attendance required for PhD students
Priority: No
School or Program: Chemical Engineering
College Calendar: Show
Associate Professor Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University

Dr. William Fissell

Associate Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine,
Vanderbilt University


Kidney failure is common and devastating; about 600,000 Americans have permanent loss of kidney function due to diabetes, high blood pressure, or other diseases. Kidney transplant has the longest survival and least cost of any treatment, but is limited by scarcity of donor organs. Dialysis delays death for a half million Americans but is expensive, burdensome, and associated with excess morbidity and mortality. In this presentation, we will review possible mechanisms for mortality and morbidity in dialysis, and then describe technology solutions to overcome scarcity in kidney transplantation.


Dr. Fissell graduated from MIT in 1992 with degrees in electrical engineering and physics after a two year leave of absence, during which time he was a 911 paramedic in the slums north of Boston. Bill continued prehospital EMS until medical school at Case Western in 1994 followed by an accelerated residency and then a nephrology fellowship and faculty appointment at University of Michigan. After an NIH career development award, Dr. Fissell moved to the Cleveland Clinic and then to Vanderbilt University. Dr. Fissell's laboratory develops technology solutions to unmet needs in kidney failure.