NRG Battle - World Edition

Event Date: June 4, 2012
Priority: No
A 4-day challenge involving students from all over the world, June 4-8 in Kuala Lumpur.


NRG Battle in a Nutshell:

  • Students from all over the world can apply
  • 100 students will be flown to KL to take part in the challenge
  • 4 days of work on cases provided by sponsoring companies (including Shell)
  • Multidisciplinary Teams of 5 will be selected to participate
  • As Shell is a sponsor, it gets to pick 4 teams (20 students)
  • Gas (FLNG-Floating Natural Gas) team will provide the 4 cases our teams will work on, as well as the coaches
  • All teams pitch their idea in 3 minutes to the jury
  • The expert jury will consist of:
    • Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim (President of the IGU)
    • Dick Benschop (President Director Shell Netherlands)
    • Gertjan Lankhorst (CEO GasTerra)
  • The Jury nominates 3 teams for the finals
  • 3 Teams pitch to all delegates at the World Gas Conference
  • Delegates choose the winner of the NRG Battle - World edition
  • The winning team receives “around the world” tickets

Important Dates:

  • March 31, 2012 – Deadline for students to sign up
  • April 1 – May 1, 2012  – Sponsoring companies select students for their teams
  • June 1-8, 2012 – Students in Kuala Lumpur

Types of Students That Can Apply:

  • Must be 18 years old
  • 3rd or 4th year in university
  • Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD and MBA’s (or professionals that graduated less than 1 year ago)
  • Majors: Process/Petroleum/Discipline Engineering, Geosciences, Finance