Aerospace Systems
Aerospace systems are complex and highly interdisciplinary. The Aerospace Systems area teaches and develops methods and techniques to help address the challenges of designing, managing, and operating these systems. Students in this area learn about different design methods and gain systems design experience through individual and team projects. The topics addressed in course and research work include requirements definition, functional decomposition, concept synthesis, application of design-oriented analysis methods, insight into external drivers and constraints, design for X, optimization, and robust design.

The SoS Lab, part of the Center for Integrated Systems in Aerospace (CISA), develops foundational methods and tools for addressing problems characterized as system-of-systems, and applies these tools to a variety of problem applications.
- Three Phase Process Model
- Community building among industry, academia, and government
Lead Professor: Daniel DeLaurentis
Location: ARMS 2085/3085/3175 and PTC D2-300

Our research is concerned with creating long-term value in systems. We use a variety of techniques, based on the problem at hand. We draw from traditional engineering, systems engineering, operations research, organizational theory, and psychology.
- General aviation safety
- Maintenance, reliability, and value
Lead Professor: Karen Marais
Location: ARMS 3173

The research in the FD&C;/HS Lab focuses on modeling and control of the Cyber-Physical System (CPS), which is a complex (networked) system with interacting physical and logical components, and its applications to safety-critical aerospace systems such as aircraft, spacecraft, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Air Traffic Control (ATC), and multiple-vehicle systems (e.g., swarm of UAS).
- Multiple-vehicle systems
- Path planning and conflict detection and resolution
Lead Professor: Inseok Hwang
Location: ARMS 3132
Our research is mainly focused on advancing fundamental computational methods for surrogate-based modeling and optimization, multidisciplinary design optimization, and uncertainty quantification. Our current applications include aircraft design, aerodynamic shape optimization, and spacecraft design. A part of the research is focused on the design and experimental testing of unconventional unmanned air vehicles.
- Design optimization
- Testing of unconvention air vehicles
- Uncertainty quantification
Lead Professor: Leifur Leifsson
Location: ARMS