Autonomy and Control
The Autonomy and Control group is involved in fundamental research and the development of algorithms and experiments for the modelling, simulation and control of aerospace systems. Example applications include aircraft, spacecraft and UASs (unmanned aerospace systems), especially networks of these systems. Other applications include control of multi-agent networks, air traffic and transportation, and cyberphysical systems. The research combines expertise in control theory, robotics, optimization, nonlinear systems, hybrid systems, stochastic systems, and system of systems.

The research in the FD&C;/HS Lab focuses on modeling and control of the Cyber-Physical System (CPS), which is a complex (networked) system with interacting physical and logical components, and its applications to safety-critical aerospace systems such as aircraft, spacecraft, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Air Traffic Control (ATC), and multiple-vehicle systems (e.g., swarm of UAS).
- Multiple-vehicle systems
- Path planning and conflict detection and resolution
Lead Professor: Inseok Hwang
Location: ARMS 3132
The lab aims to investigate autonomy and intelligence for networked systems consisting of multiple unmanned mobile agents, through combination of theories in control, networks, optimizations and artificial intelligence. We are interested in both theoretical research towards novel control algorithms for coordination among a large-network of mobile agents and experimental implementations for improving autonomy and intelligence of the overall networked system.
Lead Professor: Shaoshuai Mou
Location: ARMS 3106-3
Purdue's home for drone autonomy and control. With 30 foot high ceilings, 20,000 square feet, and a total volume of 600,000 cubic feet, the space is uniquely positioned for unmanned aerial systems research. The facility utilizes motion camera systems to track the movement within the weather shielded space, which provides ground truth data to validate autonomous sensor and navigation systems.
- Events: IEEE UAV Chase Challenge
- Reserve the space
- Largest Indoor Motion Capture Facility
Head Researcher: James Goppert
Location: Hangar No. 4, 1551 Aviation Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47906