December 20, 2024

AAE GAANN Fellowships (3 years for PhD students)

Applications due by February 28, 2025

The School of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AAE) has received funding from the US Department of Education to support at least two PhD students as GAANN Fellows. The goal of the GAANN Fellowship program is to increase the number of US citizens or permanent residents trained in areas important to the future success of the United States.  (The citizenship restrictions are a bit broader than simply US citizens or permanent residents -- see the attached announcement for the full list of citizenship status requirements.)

The GAANN Fellowships are intended for PhD students interested in a career in teaching or research.  Three years of funding is provided, with one of those years requiring participation in the AAE Teaching Fellows program.

The stipend is based on financial need.  Therefore, applicants must complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA form.  Doing this during the semester break would be best.

If you are interested, please see the attached AAE GAANN Fellowship Announcement and the application cover page.

The deadline for applications is February 28, 2025.