AAE Research Symposium Series

Criteria for Abstract Evaluation

Presenter: _________________________________

___/ 10 Written Communication 35%

  • Specific statement of the problem being addressed by the research
  • Statement of the method used in the research
  • Statement of the results
  • Explanations fit for a broad multi-disciplinary technical audience
  • English usage – grammar and spelling

___/ 10 Appealing 25%

  • Will the abstract convince others to come to the presentation?
  • Does it promise significant impact in the field of study?

___/ 10 Adherence to 200-Word Limit 20%

  • Penalized for each word over the limit

___/ 10 Consistency with the Presentation 20%

  • Does the abstract accurately describe the contents of the presentation?
  • Does the research described in the presentation meet the goals set out in the abstract?