V.Ra: An In-Situ Visual Authoring System for Robot-IoT Task Planning with Augmented Reality

V.Ra: An In-Situ Visual Authoring System for Robot-IoT Task Planning with Augmented Reality

We present V.Ra, a visual and spatial programming system for robot-IoT task authoring. In V.Ra, programmable mobile robots serve as binding agents to link the stationary IoTs and perform collaborative tasks. We establish an ecosystem that coherently connects the three...
SynchronizAR: Instant Synchronization for Spontaneous and Spatial Collaborations in Augmented Reality

SynchronizAR: Instant Synchronization for Spontaneous and Spatial Collaborations in Augmented Reality

We present SynchronizAR, an approach to spatially register multiple SLAM devices together without sharing maps or involving external tracking infrastructures. SynchronizAR employs a distance based indirect registration which resolves the transformations between the...
MultiSoft: Soft Sensor Enabling Real-Time Multimodal Sensing with Contact Localization and Deformation Classification

MultiSoft: Soft Sensor Enabling Real-Time Multimodal Sensing with Contact Localization and Deformation Classification

Abstract: We introduce MultiSoft, a multilayer soft sensor capable of sensing real-time contact localization, classification of deformation types, and estimation of deformation magnitudes. We propose a multimodal sensing pipeline that carries out both inverse problem...
Plain2Fun Publication Receives an Honorable Mention at DIS (Designing Interactive Systems) Conference

Plain2Fun: Augmenting Ordinary Objects with Interactive Functions by Auto-Fabricating Surface Painted Circuits

The growing makers’ community demands better supports for designing and fabricating interactive functional objects. Most of the current approaches focus on embedding desired functions within new objects. Instead, we advocate repurposing the existing objects and...
Scenariot: Spatially Mapping Smart Things Within Augmented Reality Scenes

Scenariot: Spatially Mapping Smart Things Within Augmented Reality Scenes

The emerging simultaneous localizing and mapping (SLAM) based tracking technique allows the mobile AR device spatial awareness of the physical world. Still, smart things are not fully supported with the spatial awareness in AR. Therefore, we present Scenariot, a...