by Joran | Aug 10, 2015 | 2015, Design Learn, DESIGN METHOD, Design Representation, Joran Booth, Karthik Ramani
The purpose of this study is to begin to explore which function identification methods work best for specific tasks. We use a three-level within-subject study (n ¼ 78) to compare three strategies for identifying functions: energy-flow, top-down, and enumeration....
by Sang Ho Yoon | Jun 17, 2015 | 2015, Ansh Verma, Design Learn, DESIGN METHOD, Sang Ho Yoon, TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED & EMBODIED INTERFACES, Tangibles
Building from our previous work we explore HandiMate, a robotics kit which enables users to construct and animate their toys using everyday craft materials [32]. The kit contains eight joint modules, a tablet interface and a glove controller. Unlike popular kits,...
by Convergence Design Lab Admin | Jan 5, 2015 | 2015, Ansh Verma, Design Learn, DESIGN METHOD, Jasjeet Seehra, Karthik Ramani, Publications, TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED & EMBODIED INTERFACES, Tangibles
The combination of technological progress and a growing interest in design has promoted the prevalence of DIY (Do It Yourself) and craft activities. In a similar spirit, we introduce HandiMate, a platform that makes it easier to fabricate and animate...
by Joran | Sep 8, 2014 | 2014, Design Learn, DESIGN METHOD, Design Representation, Joran Booth, Karthik Ramani
The purpose of this study is to continue to explore which function identification methods work best for specific design tasks. Prior literature describes the top-down and bottom-up approaches as equivalent methods for functional decomposition. Building on our prior...
by Dev Ramanujan | Aug 15, 2014 | 2014, Design Learn, DESIGN METHOD, Devarajan Ramanujan, Karthik Ramani, William Z Bernstein
Consideration of environmental sustainability is significantly altering the nature of the mechanical design process. This necessitates integration of sustainability related learning content in design engineering curricula. Although various frameworks for teaching...
by Convergence Design Lab Admin | Jun 9, 2014 | 2014, Design Learn, DESIGN METHOD
For students to succeed in engineering design (and engineering practice) they must be able to make design decisions that are grounded in data and analysis. The potential danger, however, in introducing analysis and calculations too early in the design process is that...