Table tennis stroke training is a critical aspect of player development. We designed a new augmented reality (AR) system, avaTTAR, for table tennis stroke training. The system provides both “on-body” (first-person view) and “detached” (third-person view) visual cues, enabling users to visualize target strokes and correct their attempts effectively with this dual perspectives setup. By employing a combination of pose estimation algorithms and IMU sensors, avaTTAR captures and reconstructs the 3D body pose and paddle orientation of users during practice, allowing real-time comparison with expert strokes. Through a user study, we affirm avaTTAR’s capacity to amplify player experience and training results.
avaTTAR: Table Tennis Stroke Training with On-body and Detached Visualization in Augmented Reality
Authors: Dizhi Ma*, Xiyun Hu*, Jingyu Shi, Mayank Patel, Rahul Jain, Ziyi Liu, Zhengzhe Zhu, Karthik Ramani
In The 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’24)