Device fabrication and Material properties of Bulk CdZnTe crystals used for gamma ray Detector applications

Event Date: October 24, 2012
Speaker: Dr. Ernesto Dieguez Delgado
Type: Joint
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Location: WTHR 200
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show

Crystal Growth Laboratory, cgl

Dpto. de Física de Materiales

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN

CdZnTe alloys are one of the most important and strategic materials for application in space, security and medical applications. Hundreds of papers are annually published on this topic, where the bottleneck is the high quality material needed for its applications.

In this talk a review will be done about the recent improvement which have been carried out i)in the growth methods Bridgman and the Vertical Gradient Freezing with the use of cold fingers to improve the solid liquid interface; ii)in the lateral edges preparation; iii)in the important role of the selected face for device preparation, and iv)in the use of alternative double layers for detector application. The comments on these four topics will be supported by the experimental results coming from a wide range of characterization techniques.

Ernesto Diéguez (PhD 1983, Universidad Autónoma of Madrid Madrid) is Professor of Physics (2006)  in the Department of Physics of Materials, and Head of the Crystal Growth Lab – cgl - from the 80`s ( . His research interest is principally concentrated in Crystal Growth processes and technology of bulk crystals and thin films, and more recently his activity has been focused in CdZnTe bulk crystals  and poliSi for technological applications. Prof. Diéguez has published more than 250 international papers. Prof. Diéguez has been the supervisor of thirteen Doctoral Thesis. At the present he is supervising four doctoral Thesis. The CGL has several European and National projects running in this field, with scientific collaborations with numerous scientific Research Centres around the world. The teaching activities of Prof. Diéguez are concentrated in Crystal Growth of materials and materials characterization, Semiconductors and laser applications, and in general courses of Materials Science.

2012-10-24 15:30:00 2012-10-24 16:30:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis Device fabrication and Material properties of Bulk CdZnTe crystals used for gamma ray Detector applications WTHR 200