
Event Date: August 31, 2011
Speaker: Ahmed Hassanein Ph.D.
Paul L. Wattelet Professor and Head
Speaker Affiliation: School of Nuclear Engineering
Purdue University
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Location: WTHR 200
Ahmed Hassanein, Paul L. Wattelet Professor and Head

Professor Hassanein will welcome new and returning students to the School of Nuclear Engineering.

There will also be presentation from Student Services.

Brief bio:
Prof. Hassanein has more than 30 years of experience in research and development in the fields of nuclear and plasma physics, engineering, and material science.  Prof. Hassanein is nationally and internationally recognized as one of the world's foremost leaders in the area of modeling and benchmarking material responses to different radiation and particle sources. He has developed unique models and comprehensive computer packages as well as state-of-the art experimental facilities to predict material behavior, lifetime issues, plasma evolution, and fluid hydrodynamics under various irradiation conditions. These models and results are being used in several national and international research fields. He has authored about 400 journal publications and technical report in more than 30 different national and international journals in physics, engineering, materials, and computer science.  Before coming to Purdue, Prof. Hassanein was senior scientist and group leader and the director of Fusion Power Program at the Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory.


2011-08-31 15:30:00 2011-08-31 16:30:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis Welcome WTHR 200