Nuclear Safety and Nonproliferation
Event Date: | March 31, 2010 |
Speaker: | Robert Bean, Ph.D. |
Speaker Affiliation: | Idaho National Laboratory |
Time: | 3:30 p.m. |
Location: | Joint Colloquium: WTHR 172 |
Spent (or "used") nuclear fuel is not a waste product. The remaining fissile material and, especially, the bred-in plutonium represent tremendous energy and commercial value. They also represent a potential path for proliferant States to acquire the material necessary for nuclear weapons. The International Atomic Energy Agency is charged with providing safeguards for nearly 1000 kg of plutonium in world-wide stores of spent nuclear fuel, and verifying that it has not been diverted into weapons programs. The scale of the issue and some of the steps taken to mitigate the challenges will be presented.
Brief Bio:
Dr. Bean received his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from Purdue University in 2003. He started in the Operational Safeguards unit at the Idaho National Laboratory, overseeing the radiation measurements and technician training for the material accountancy system. He also served as the technical advisor for the team, interpreting the Department of Energy safeguards requirements and assessing if proposed actions would be acceptable. In 2006 he moved to the nuclear nonproliferation division at INL. There he worked on the safeguards design team for the proposed Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility, and the safeguards review team for the Consolidated Fuel Treatment Center. His current work involves looking to improve the safeguards design process itself through "Safeguard-by-Design" and to develop safeguards approaches for emerging applications such as electrochemical (or 'pyro') processing facilities and bulk fuel reactors such as the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor. He is also active in the Human Resources Development efforts, working to develop and deliver safeguards training seminars and to mentor summer students at the INL.
2010-03-31 15:30:00 2010-03-31 16:30:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis Nuclear Safety and Nonproliferation Joint Colloquium: WTHR 172