On December 5, 2018, the College of Engineering held an event to celebrate faculty external awards received in 2017-18, including two IE faculty members.
Purdue IE alumna Maj. Gen. Theresa Carter (BSIE 1985), United States Air Force-retired, gave the keynote speech during Purdue’s two commencement ceremonies on Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018.
Two IE professors and several grad students presented research at the recent 2018 Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting. Studies presented at this meeting utilize risk assessment and risk mitigation practices to prepare for future severe weather events because past practices are no longer adequate.
An IE professor returned to Uganda for the second phase of a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation project researching global health and development to help save the lives of Ugandan mothers.
Students in the IE 431 Senior Design class presented their company project posters at an exhibition competition on December 6, 2018. Representatives from ten different companies attended and interacted with the students while reviewing the 15 posters on display in Grissom Hall's Peter Wang Student Excellence Center.