Marcial Gonzalez
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088
Office: WANG 4048
- Mechanical Engineer, University of Buenos Aires, '02
- Ms.Sc., Aeronautics, California Institute of Technology, '06
- Ph.D., Aeronautics (Minor in Materials Science), California Institute of Technology, '11
Research Interests
- Predictive, multi-scale modeling and simulation of microstructure evolution in confined granular systems, with an emphasis in manufacturing processes and the relationship between product fabrication and performance.
- Application areas of interest include:
- (i) particulate products and processes (e.g., flow, mixing, segregation, consolidation, and compaction of powders),
- (ii) continuous manufacturing (e.g., Quality by Design, model predictive control, and reduced order models), and
- (iii) performance of pharmaceutical solid products (e.g., tensile strength, stiffness, swelling and disintegration), biomaterials (e.g., transport and feeding of corn stover) and energetic materials (e.g., deformation and heat generation under quasi-static, near-resonant and impact conditions, and formation and growth of hot spots) materials.
Awards and Recognitions
- Seed for Success Award, (2018) for PIs on grants totaling more than $1M: 'Analytical modeling of biomass transport and feeding systems' (DOE)
- Seed for Success Award, (2018) for PIs on grants totaling more than $1M: 'Exploring the thermomechanics of energetic and mock energetic composite materials under quasi-static and near-resonant excitations' (AFRL)
- Seed for Success Award, (2016) for PIs on grants totaling more than $1M: 'Real time Release in continuous solid dose manufacturing: systematic characterization of material properties, and optimal design of sensing and control methods' (FDA)
- Seed for Success Award, (2015) for PIs on grants totaling more than $1M: 'Real-time dynamic measurements and characterization of mesoscale deformation and temperature fields in reacting energetic materials under impact and periodic loading' (AFOSR)
- 20th Annual Robert J. Melosh Competition, Finalist for the Best Student Paper in Finite Element Analysis (2010)
- USACM Travel Award, 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, Australia (2010)
- Powell Foundation Fellowship, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology (2005-2006)
- National Presidency Diploma, Argentina (1995)
Selected Publications
Gonzalez M., "Generalized loading-unloading contact laws for elasto-plastic spheres with bonding strength", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solid, 122, 633-656, 2019.
Agarwal A. and Gonzalez M., "Contact radius and curvature corrections to the nonlocal contact formulation accounting for multi-particle interactions in elastic confined granular systems", International Journal of Engineering Science, 133, 26-46, 2018.
Yohannes B., Gonzalez M., Abebe A., Sprockel O., Nikfar F., Kiang S., Cuitiño A.M., "Discrete particle modeling and micromechanical characterization of bilayer tablet compaction", International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 529, 597-607, 2017.
Yohannes B., Gonzalez M., Abebe A., Sprockel O., Nikfar F., Kiang S., Cuitiño A.M., "Evolution of the microstructure during the process of consolidation and bonding in soft granular solids", International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 503, 68-77, 2016.
Tripathy R., Bilionis I., Gonzalez M., "Gaussian processes with built-in dimensionality reduction: Applications to high-dimensional uncertainty propagation", Journal of Computational Physics, 321, 191-223, 2016.
Gonzalez M. and Cuitiño A.M., "Microstructure evolution of compressible granular systems under large deformations", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 93, 44???56, 2016.
Razavi S.M., Gonzalez M., and Cuitiño A.M., "General and mechanistic optimal relationships for tensile strength of doubly convex tablets under diametrical compression", International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 484, 29-37, 2015.
Yohannes B., Gonzalez M., Abebe A., Sprockel O., Nikfar F., Kiang S., Cuitiño A.M., "The role of fine particles on compaction and tensile strength of pharmaceutical powders", Powder Technology, 274, 372-378, 2015.
Gonzalez M. and Cuitiño, A.M., "A nonlocal contact formulation for confined granular systems", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 60, 333-350, 2012.
Gonzalez M., Yang J., Daraio C. and Ortiz M., "Mesoscopic approach to granular crystal dynamics", Physical Review E, 85, 016604, 2012.
Gonzalez M., Schmidt B. and Ortiz M., "Energy-stepping integrators in Lagrangian mechanics", Int. J. Numerical Methods in Engineering., 82, 205-241, 2010.