Sponsor ResearchProspective Students

Sponsor Research at Herrick Labs


Gregory Shaver
Director, Herrick Labs
177 S. Russell St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
(765) 494-2132

Herrick Labs has always been a partnership between academia and industry. We welcome partnerships with corporations that share our fields of expertise: refrigeration and HVAC, sustainable buildings, perception and human comfort, high performance engines, or acoustics and noise control. Our collaborative research can help advance your industry, while protecting your proprietary interests. Want to join the team?  Contact me, or get in touch with a specific faculty member about their research.

Thank you to all of the sponsors of our research over the years. Student-faculty-industry teams working collaboratively are great examples of where 1+1+1 is greater than 3. Students have unique experiences doing both fundamental research and gaining an understanding of how to apply their research to help industry improve their products. The research interactions also help students develop their communications and teamwork skills and thus they are better prepared to contribute when they graduate and start their careers. Industry learns new ways to solve problems and develops long-term working relationships with faculty, which helps in recruitment and in formulating technical development roadmaps to support future product development.

Become a Student Researcher at Herrick Labs

We are eager to work with outstanding students who have earned their bachelor's or master's degrees in engineering or related sciences. Opportunities are usually available for students to begin their studies in January, June, or August. Various forms of financial aid, including research assistantships, teaching assistantships, and fellowships, are available to highly qualified students. Start by reviewing our research areas, and then get in touch with the faculty conducting research that interests you.

To apply for grad school at Purdue, go to purdue.edu/gradschool.

You can help!

With your support, we can continue to make Herrick a state-of-the-art facility. You can play a key part in educating the next generation of students.

Herrick Labs  •  177 S. Russell St., West Lafayette, IN 47907  •  (765) 494-2132  •  hlab@purdue.edu