Best Student Paper Award

As in past conferences, there will be three Best Student Paper Awards for each of the three conferences. Award dollars for these top papers is sponsored by Daikin. 1st place papers will receive $1000, 2nd place papers will receive $500 and 3rd place papers will receive $250.


In order to qualify for the Best Student Paper Award, the first author of the paper must have been a full-time student at the time of the paper submission. Nominations for the award are required and must be submitted by the faculty advisor of the student author or by the Principal Investigator of the work by April 29, 2024. An individual faculty member may only nominate 2 student papers for the award total (across the three conferences).

PLEASE NOTE: A "Student" includes any individual submitting a paper who is working towards an undergraduate or graduate degree, such as a Bachelor, Masters, Diploma, Ph.D., or Doctorate in Engineering degree.  

In the nomination letter, the nominator must 1) provide the paper number and paper title, 2) affirm that the student was the primary contributor to the ideas and results presented in the paper and 3) describe the merits and novelty of the research presented in the paper.

Submissions must be sent via email to the corresponding conference chair. The email addresses of the conference chairs are as follows.




Brian Barrett
Conference Coordinator
Ray W. Herrick Laboratories
177 S. Russell Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2099