Ray W. Herrick Laboratories

Herrick Homecoming


Ray W. Herrick Laboratories

Founded in 1957, the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories supports world-class Mechanical Engineering research for students, faculty, and industry. Among the facilities available in our 83,000 square feet of space are HVAC and indoor air quality labs; advanced engine test cells; acoustics, noise, and vibration testing; and unique perception-based engineering labs. Herrick is also home to the Center for High Performance Buildings, which partners with industry to develop new technologies in sustainable building systems, indoor environments, human perception and comfort, and high performance equipment.

Mission and Vision of Herrick

Herrick is an institution dedicated to graduate education through engineering research with emphasis on technology transfer.  Our vision is to overcome the barriers between knowledge creation, transfer and utilization for the advancement of society.


Ray W. Herrick Laboratories • 177 S. Russell St., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2099 • (765) 494-2132 • hlab@purdue.edu